Edinburgh Genomics
Edinburgh Genomics is a world leading genomics and bioinformatics facility delivering high volume data and cutting-edge analyses.
Edinburgh Genomics was formed in 2013 following the merging of The Genepool and ARK Genomics. Edinburgh Genomics is a world leading genomics and bioinformatics facility delivering high volume data and cutting-edge analyses to a large community of collaborators and customers across academia, government, and industry. Recent acquisitions include the most cutting-edge sequencing machines, the HiSeq X and HiSeq 4000. Since establishing the HiSeq X platform in October 2016, the clinical facility, Directed by Professor Tim Aitman (CGEM), has sequenced 5,000 whole mammalian genomes, mostly human, for biomedical research and clinical diagnoses. Their wealth of experience and record of delivery cements their position as one of the leading genomics facilities in Europe.
For further information please visit Edinburgh Genomics.