South East Scotland NHS Clinical and Molecular Genetics Service
The South East Scotland Genetic Service provides a wide range of genetic services across a variety of genetic disorders.
CGEM part hosts the SE Scotland NHS Clinical and Molecular Genetics Service. Although CGEM itself does not provide any clinical genetics services, sharing of knowledge and expertise across the NHS and University can help improve decision making about diagnosis and management of hereditary conditions and interpretation of the results of genetic investigations. These close collaborations are to the benefit of both patients, their families, clinicians and researchers.
Genetic tests are becoming available that can assist in the diagnosis and identification of those at risk from a range of conditions than run in families. The South East Scotland NHS Clinical and Molecular Genetics Service provides specialist clinics for the diagnosis of hereditary conditions, to advise affected families and to help minimise negative health effects. Quite often the risks of an inherited disorder prove to be low and assessment at a genetics clinic can provide reassurance.
The South East Scotland Genetic Service provides a wide range of genetic services across a variety of genetic disorders, with a number of general genetic clinics are held across Lothian, Borders and Fife. Several specialist clinics including Neurogenetics, Marfan Syndrome and Endocrine Genetics, are held in Edinburgh.
For all clinical referrals and enquiries call: +44 (0) 131 537 1116
For further information please visit the clinical genetics services.