New Students

Supporting your new student

New students will experience many highs and lows as they transition into university life and it is important that they maintain their support networks and connections.

Each student's journey and experience will be different and we are dedicated to supporting our students throughout their academic journeys, whatever they need.

We also recognise the importance of the external support that students benefit from whilst they are adjusting to a new way of life.  

Recommendations as to how you might be able to support them

Create a regular communication schedule

If your new student is moving away to attend University, communication between you both will likely become less frequent. Agree on a regular schedule to stay in touch.

If your student is starting their studies online and is staying at home, it may take a bit of time to find a routine that works for you both. Scheduling in times to chat about what is happening is a good way to keep the communication channels open and supportive. 

Listen to your new student

Attending University is a generally fantastic and life-changing event, but as with any intensive learning experience, there will sometimes be moments where new students can feel a bit overwhelmed and it can be difficult for them to admit if they are struggling. Try not to 'solve their problems'; instead, be a good listener and show support, especially in the beginning as they build up their self-esteem and confidence to handle any challenges that they may face. 

Be positive and patient

Adjusting to a new environment and a new form of independence  can take time and completely varies between students; a positive and supportive attitude can go a long way especially when things may not be as they had expected, such as getting the grades they wanted or meeting friends straight away.  

Emotionally support your student if they need you

You know their best talents and the potential that they hold. Remind them of this if they ever doubt it. 

Let your student make mistakes

This one is a hard one, especially as you may predict an unfavourable outcome to a decision that they have made, based on your own experiences, but making mistakes is part of life, part of learning and there is so much support in place at the University of Edinburgh to guide students through any difficulties that may arise.

Share your own experience and wisdom

Even if you didn't attend university, you have a wealth of life experience to draw from. Share with your student what life lessons you've learned; these  may be some of the most important lessons they learn too. 

Help your student achieve financial independence

Your student will be introduced to the concept of managing their own money and may need to open their own bank account. They will also need to understand their funding and know how much things cost and when they need to pay for them. Budgeting might be a new concept to a school leaver and something that can cause stress, especially if they spend all of their funding too early.  

It would be really helpful for them (and perhaps provide ease of mind for you too) if before starting University, you talk to them about budgeting and spending on a monthly basis as well as highlighting what to do (or rather what not to do) if something does not go to plan. 

Planning a budget

Open a UK bank account

Be aware of the resources the University offers so that you can help guide your new student

The University has lots of support in place for new students to successfully transition. Along with the University, you can also make students aware of the support services we have available and signpost them to what they might need. 

Services and support