Alumni Services

Hill Walking Club 25th Anniversary

As the Diamond Jubilee Weekend was celebrated this June, a smaller and no less triumphant event was held in Comrie Croft, Perthshire: the Edinburgh University Hill Walking Club's 25th Anniversary trip. Hill Walking Club Committee member Pascale Robinson tells us more...

Hillwalking Club 25th Anniversary

Members from all four decades of the Hill Walking Club's existence travelled from around Europe to attend three days of revelry, where old and new stories were swapped over great meals, a ceilidh and, of course, some walking!

Setting off for a weekend of revelry

Beginning on Saturday afternoon, the customary meet at Pleasance meant piling in to minibuses and cars, superbly co-ordinated by current club members for the short drive to Perth. With the whole hostel hired out, it was clear many had fond memories of their time in the club and whilst perfect for those partial to a warm bed, other accommodation included Swedish Katas furnished with sheepskins and wood-burning stoves. That evening, barbeques were lit as people discussed walks for the next day, drinks were shared and photo albums passed around.

Hillwalking Club 1988

Enduring traditions

Though most people's lives have changed a lot since their university days, the landscapes were just as beautiful as the ones in the photos. No time for nostalgia though! 20km walks are not enough to prevent hillwalkers from scrubbing up nicely. Kilts, bow-ties and dresses were worn for a three course meal in the barn, beautifully strewn with fairy lights.

Though most people's lives have changed a lot since their university days, the landscapes were just as beautiful as the ones in the photos.

Pascale Robinson

Pinned up photos attested to the enduring traditions of the club; the Burn’s night supper, breath-taking scenery, silly summit poses, good eating - and drinking sometimes - all having their place, whereas fashion has not. Red gaiters are a thing of the past thankfully.

Hillwalking Club 25th Anniversary

After dinner was the Ceilidh and the band kept all on their feet. A fire in the courtyard with drinks following meant the walks for the next day were not as strenuous, but all agreed the weekend was a great success. At dinner, toasts to the next 25 years were made and though it will be challenge to have as enjoyable a weekend as the one organised this year, many look forward to it.

Many thanks to the brilliant efforts of current members, those who attended and the alumni engagement team for helping to make the weekend possible! May the Munro counts be even higher next time!

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Edinburgh University Hill Walking Club

For more information on the Edinburgh University Hill Walking Club please visit their website.

Edinburgh University Hill Walking Club
