Architecture class of 1963
Alumni who came to study architecture in 1963 celebrated their 50 year anniversary on Saturday 12 October 2013.

Reunion organiser, Douglas Jack talks us through a celebration that was enjoyed by 23 alumni, 15 partners and one very special guest - 90 year old Bill Carmichael, who tutored in structures and whose stairs were the discovery of the day.
An international gathering
Everyone was very pleased to have a gate-crasher at the reception, a delightful 3rd year architectural student
The event was an international affair with participants travelling from as far afield as Andorra, Spain and Norway, as well as from all over the UK.
As Douglas notes, this wasn’t especially surprising considering the far flung locations that the professional careers of those present had included.
Work has taken them all over the world, including Hong Kong, Barbados, Spain, Canada, Kenya, Chile, Saudi, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, and other Middle Eastern countries.
A discovery

A champagne reception in the ECA Sculpture Court was followed by visits to the 1964 built studios, where the alumni spent their student days.
The group was welcomed by John Brennan, Head of Architecture and Landscape Architecture and an uninvited but very welcome additional guest.
Everyone was very pleased to have a gate-crasher at the reception, a delightful 3rd year architectural student, as that confirmed that nothing had changed and all was well with the world.
It was also at this point that Bill Carmichael was unveiled as the designer of the much admired main stair to the studios.
Where are we now?
The day concluded with a gala dinner which included a display of student photographs from the 1960s, tales from university days, and lots of discussion regarding what you can do with a degree in architecture.
We have become architects, planners, landscape architects, teachers, tutors, developers, journalists, a psychotherapist and even a political cartoonist.
Contact Douglas
The event was organised by Douglas Jack and he would be pleased to hear from anyone who was associated with the 1963 intake, and who would like to be kept informed of any future events.