Featured reunions
Find out more about recent reunions by going behind the scenes with the participants as they celebrate happy returns to the University.

If you would like your reunion to be featured on the website then take lots of photographs of your event and ask participants for thoughts, memories and recollections. We also love to see then-and-now comparisons so, if you are feeling ambitious, recreate a moment that you captured on film many years ago, and we will publish the results on the website.
Recent features
In James Hutton's footsteps

The class of 1980 Geology reunited in Edinburgh in May for three days of activities and a few trips down memory lane.
Class of 2001 Medical Reunion

Alumni from the MBChB Class of 2001 met in September for a 21st anniversary reunion, with over 150 graduates joining to celebrate and and reminisce about their time at University.
In their element

Last month, alumni from 1966 Chemistry and related subjects attended their second reunion to celebrate a very special 50 years since graduating.
Five decades a doctor

Fifty years since they graduated in 1966, over one hundred doctors and partners reconvened to revisit old haunts and reminisce about their student days in Edinburgh.