Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub

Work-related Travel

Guidance and advice on travel health

Travel immunisations

You should seek advice on any vaccinations you may need for travel abroad as soon as possible and in any case at least eight weeks before you're due to travel, as some vaccinations take some time to take effect.

The NHS Choices website contains a wealth of information on travel vaccinations and immunisations for those travelling abroad as well as information on when and where to get them.

Vaccinations for travel abroad

Employees going abroad on University business may require immunisation against infectious diseases and / or malaria prophylaxis. For some types of immunisation, this may be carried out in the Occupational Health Unit. The cost of the vaccines and / or medication will be charged to the cost centres (Schools/Departments) where immunised individuals work.

For any non-work related travel immunisations, please contact your own GP.

Work related travel health - for staff

Occupational Health Service

  • Health and Safety Department
  • The University of Edinburgh

Contact details



Drummond Street Annexe
Drummond Street

Post Code

External advice

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Advice:

If you are about to travel abroad in the course of your work or studies, or for leisure purposes, particularly if your destination is in some way "politically unstable", or offers some other indication that you might be exposing yourself to a higher degree of risk than you normally experience, by visiting the location in question, you might wish to consult the official advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Travel Advice Unit in this regard.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office website also includes up to date country specific information and details of British embassies and consulates.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Travel Advice Uni


Fitfortravel is a public access website provided by the NHS (Scotland). It gives travel health information for people travelling abroad from the UK.

FirforTravel website

Department of Health

Health Advice for Travellers is available from The Department of Health Web site.

The Department of Health Web site

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - National Center for Infectious Diseases Travelers Health site is an American website providing general travel health information.

National Center for Infectious Diseases Travelers Health site