New for 2024/25
Updated and new University policies, regulations and guidance for academic session 2024/25 for assessment, student learning and support, and research students.
Policies and regulations have implications for staff and students across the University. Schools and Colleges should take account of the changes listed below in their practice and the information they provide to students and staff.
Key changes and updates to the assessment regulations, degree regulations and academic appeal regulations.
Programmes and courses
Updated policies relevant to programme and course operation and management.
Student policies
New Exceptional Circumstances policy replacing special circumstances policy and other updated student-related policies.
Student support
Updates to performance sport and student maternity policies, and student support guidelines.
Boards of Examiners
Updates to Boards of Examiners Handbook, and External Examiners for Taught Programmes and Programme and Course Handbooks policies.
Research students
Updated Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees, student policies and associated guidance.
Policy advice
Academic Services can provide advice and support for academic and professional staff on academic policies, regulations and guidance. If you have any questions about the University’s academic policy framework, contact us.