Student support
Updates to performance sport and student maternity policies, and student support guidelines.
Exceptional Circumstances Policy
The new Exceptional Circumstances Policy replaces the existing Special Circumstances Policy, and the provisions of Taught Assessment Regulation 28 regarding coursework extensions. More information about the new policy is available here:
Exceptional Circumstances Policy
Performance Sport Policy
The amended policy provides greater clarity around the range of sporting activities eligible for consideration, and the options for Schools wishing to offer flexibility for student athletes around their attendance or assessment.
Student Maternity and Parental Leave Policy
This policy (previously called Student Maternity and Family Leave Policy) has been reviewed and extensively updated to promote ease of use and more inclusive support for students.
Student Maternity and Parental Leave Policy
Coming soon
Student Support Framework
With effect from 1 August 2024, the Framework has been updated to give greater clarity on the roles within the student support model, who has leadership responsibilities for the model in Colleges, Schools/Deaneries and centrally, and how the model will be monitored and evaluated to ensure ongoing.
Student Support Guidelines
These are operational guidelines for implementing the Student Support Framework and are published in the Student Support Briefing Resources folder.