Taught assessment regulations 2023/24
Regulations cover roles and responsibilities, conduct of assessment, marking of assessment, operation of Boards of Examiners assessment decisions, interpretation and significant disruption.
Downloadable PDF of the current regulations.
Previous years' regulations are published in the assessment archive.
Assessment regulations archive
Purpose, overview, scope and additional guidance.
Section A: roles and responsibilities
Regulations 1 - 10: Boards of Examiners, markers, External Examiners and avoiding conflict of interest
Section B: conduct of assessment
Regulations 11 - 30: Assessment principles; feedback; reasonable adjustments; conduct of exams; oral, peer and resit assessment; academic misconduct.
Section C: marking of assessment
Regulations 31 - 37: Moderation, anonymous marking and common marking schemes.
Section D: operation of Boards of Examiners
Regulations 38 - 49: Operation, quorum, special circumstances, progression and borderlines.
Section E: assessment decisions
Regulations 50 - 68: Undergraduate and postgraduate progression, degree award, postgraduate merit and distinction, credit from other universities.
Section F: interpretation and significant disruption
Regulations 69 - 71: Interpretation of regulations, significant disruption concessions, standards and where only partial results are available.
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Degree Reguations and Programmes of Study
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