Purpose, overview, scope and additional guidance.
The assessment regulations set minimum requirements and standards for students and staff, expressing in practical form the academic goals and policies of the University.
These regulations:
(i) replace the previous undergraduate and taught postgraduate assessment regulations;
(ii) set out the rules which must be followed in taught student assessment; and
(iii) provide links to other sources or guidance and related regulations.
These regulations are University-wide. They apply to assessment of all taught full-time and part-time students, studying degrees, diplomas and certificates at Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF) levels 7 – 12 which are awarded for credit at the University of Edinburgh. They apply to undergraduates, taught postgraduates and research postgraduates studying taught components. The regulations apply to undergraduate and taught postgraduate assessment for courses assessed in the current academic year.
Additional Guidance
This document should be read in conjunction with University’s Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study.
Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study
The regulations apply to all forms of summative assessment, including examination, take home examination, coursework, electronic and online assessment, oral assessment and peer and self-assessment.
The regulations must be applied, unless a concession has been awarded by the Academic Policy and Regulations Committee (APRC) on the basis of a case proposed by a College. The boxed “Application of the regulation” below must also be applied, unless the College has approved an exemption on the basis of a case proposed by a School. These concessions and exemptions are recorded by APRC and Colleges as appropriate.
The regulations operate in accordance with legislation and University policies on Equality and Diversity.
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Legislation
Members of staff who need additional guidance may consult their Head of College or their nominee, their College Office, Academic Services, or Student Administration. Student Administration oversees the procedure relating to the provision of question papers, registration for degree examinations, the receipt and notification of results, examination timetabling and the provision of examination accommodation.
Where reference is made to ‘the relevant Dean’ this should be taken as being the Dean with responsibility for undergraduate or postgraduate matters, depending on the circumstances. Where reference is made to ‘the Head of College’ or ‘Head of School’ this may also in some cases be a designated representative of that individual.
Definitions of key terms can be found in the glossary of terms.
Glossary of Terms(pdf)