Advocates for ACEs bring awareness of childhood adversity and its impact to students
Advocates for ACES is project whose aim is to provide current students with an awareness of childhood adversity and trauma and their lifelong impact. The Scottish Goverment intends for all service to become ACE aware in the next few years, so that everyone who comes into contact with the public through their employment is able to incorporte this understanding into their interactions with others. At the University of Edinburgh, we intend for our students to have this awareness before they leave on their career pathways, enabling them to interact with others in trauma-informed ways and to become an Advocate for ACEs in their workplace.
The project was funded by a University of Edinburgh Student Experience grant and is being led by
- Dr Karen Goodall, Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Collaborators include:
- Lisa Golds, PhD candidate, University of Edinburgh
- Emy Nimbley, PhD candidate, University of Edinburgh
- Dr Karri Gillespie-Smith, Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
- Dr Zara Brodie, Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
- Dr Rachel Happer, Clinical Psychologist, Senior Clinical Fellow in Clinical Psychology, University of Edinburgh
Follow us on twitter to hear more about upcoming events: @Advocate4ACEs