Advocates for Aces

News and Events

Information about upcoming and recent events

November 2022 event ACEs, attachment and epigenetics with Sheldon Levy 

November 17th 2022 @ 17.00 

It is widely known that adverse childhood events (ACEs) is linked to a range of physical and mental health outcomes. One of the ways in which ACEs have an effect is through how our genes express themselves. These changes to gene expression can be long term, but relationships can play a role in the resilience of adults who have experienced early adversity. We will also introduce the concept of adult attachment, exploring why attachment style is relevant to resilience after adversity. Sheldon's slides are available here: 

September 2022 events

In September 2002, we invited practitioners who are passionate about thinking about the impact of adverse childhood experiences on children or adults, that they encounter as part of their career, to speak about it from a practice perspective. You can access the recordings below. 


Discussing the impact of ACEs and trauma in legal contexts

29th September 2022 13.00-14.00 with guest speaker Iain Smith, Scottish Lawyer of the year 2020 and advocate for ACEs.

Link to the talk here.


Navigating the school environment with ACEs and Trauma

29th September 2022 15.30- 16.30 with Gerry Diamond from Clydebank High whose work in attachment, nurture and ACEs awareness-raising is nationally recognised.

Link to the talk here.


30th September 2022 13.00-14.00 with Sue Francis. 

Sue is a registered nurse turned trauma-informed trainer of healthcare professionals, who created the Resilience Passport. Sue's presentation will take you through the importance of trauma-informed care, and how positive engagement with yourself can help you respond effectively to trauma and promote resilience in yourself and in service users.

Link to the talk here.

Blogging competition 

This is your opportunity to become an Advocate for ACEs and contribute to public engagement by writing a short blog on why it is important for people in public-facing jobs to know about ACEs and their impacts. You can enter the blogging competition if you are currently an undergraduate or postgraduate student. We ask that you submit your entry via your University email address to confirm this. If you are a practitioner who has attended a workshop, you can also apply, but please state this on your application. The closing date is Saturday 29th October @12 midnight. Please download the PDF for full instructions. 


How to keep up to date

Follow us on twitter to hear about what we are planning next: @Advocate4ACEs