Student news

Free events during the August re-sit period

Take a break from revision and join us for fun activities.

These events are open to all students, but you need to book your place in advance.

Café vouchers will be available for all participants to fuel your day.

Stretch & de-stress

Thursday 8 August, from 10:30am to 11:30am

The Salle Studio, Pleasance Gym

Take part in some gentle movement to get your mind and body ready for the day ahead.

Stretch & de-stress booking

'Just Dance' session

Monday 12 August, from 3:30pm to 4:30pm

The Salle Studio, Pleasance Gym

'Dance it out' to relieve stress and have fun. Vote for the songs you’d like to hear on UoE_Wellbeing Instagram!

‘Just Dance’ booking

Spin class

Wednesday 14 August, from 4pm to 5pm

The Spin Room, Pleasance Gym

Release tensions with an energising cycle class in an encouraging and welcoming space.

Spin class booking