Court meeting: 17 June 2024
The University’s governing body, the University Court, met on 17 June 2024
Summary of the key topics discussed
Rector's welcome
Simon Fanshawe, Rector, formally opened the meeting, welcomed the two new student members of Court and congratulated two staff members on their re-election and re-appointment to Court. His opening remarks focused on the importance of dialogue and debate and taking into account a wide range of views. He also noted the positive impression made by recent University events at which he had been present.
Main Agenda Items
Report from the Short Life Working Group on Definition of Armaments for Investments
Court discussed at length the report from the Working Group, noting the strength of feeling that had been expressed on this topic through various fora and through recent protests, whilst also recognising that there was a variety of opinion regarding any actions that the University might take on what were complex issues. The outcome of these discussions can be found in a published statement from Court:
A statement from the University Court | The University of Edinburgh
Finance: Planning and Budgeting
The Director of Finance provided a report on forecast financial results. Court approved the budget for 2024/25 and noted longer-term financial forecasts. It was noted that the budget assumed a rebalancing of income and expenditure that would be required in order to support the University’s strategic ambitions.
Court External Effectiveness Review Report
Court received the report of the External Effectiveness Review by the review’s external facilitator. It was noted that the report had found overall appropriate and well-functioning governance arrangements and made some recommendations for further enhancements. Court agreed that these recommendations would be considered by Nominations Committee and that proposed actions in response would be put to a future meeting of Court.
Annual People Report
The Director of HR introduced the first Annual People Report, which reported on activity during the calendar year 2023. A number of positive initiatives were highlighted and it was noted that there had also been significant developments after the reporting period, including reforms to the pay grade scale. There had also been improvements in data collection, which would inform future initiatives.
Student Experience Update
Court received an overview of recent work to enhance the student experience, including evaluation of the Student Support Model and progress in tracking and enhancing the timeliness of feedback on assessments across the University. It was noted that the results of the national Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey had been released, showing improvements in the University’s overall satisfaction scores.
Court received an updated Residential Strategy and approved funding for a number of Estates projects. It was noted that a new Estates Capital Plan was in development.
Other items
A new Digital Strategy was approved, following detailed scrutiny by Estates Committee and Knowledge Strategy Committee. Court received annual reports on compliance with Prevent duties and Education Act 1994 requirements in relation to the Students’ Association and also granted formal recognition of alumni clubs on an annual basis. Resolutions regarding undergraduate and postgraduate degree programme regulations were approved, as were Resolutions to establish new professorial chairs. Regular reports from the Students’ Association, the Sports Union, the Development and Alumni Office and Court’s committees were considered and a number of Court and committee positions were approved on the recommendation of Nominations Committee.
More detailed information on the University Court, including the membership, agenda, open papers and approved minutes can be found on the University Court webpages:
Annual Court Update
In addition, the Annual Court Update took place as an online event on 26 June. With the participation of several members of Court, the Senior Lay Member of Court, the Principal and the Vice-Principal & University Secretary updated an audience of staff and students as to the role and membership of Court, results from the current year of University activity and the University’s strategy, and answered questions on these topics.