Vigil in support of Ukraine
A vigil will be held in the Sanctuary at the University of Edinburgh Chaplaincy on Friday 24 February 2023, 1:00 – 1:30pm, to mark one year passing since the start of the war in Ukraine.
The vigil is open to staff, students and members of the public.
Prayers and messages of hope will be shared, led by Reverend Dr Harriet Harris.
The Chaplaincy has been running a ‘Light Up Our Hearts for Ukraine’ campaign, encouraging people to show solidarity in any way they can. As well as attending vigils held by the Chaplaincy, other ideas to show support include sowing sunflower seeds or lighting a candle in your window.
You can also show support online by sharing a colourful sunflower image designed by fourth-year English Literature student Marta Christiansen, on the Guerilla Peace map to show on-going commitment to Ukraine.
Related links
Find out more about the Chaplaincy’s Light Up Our Hearts for Ukraine campaign
A University of Sanctuary

Vigil in support of Ukraine
Sanctuary at the University of Edinburgh Chaplaincy