New Staff Disability Advice Service launches
The University has launched a Staff Disability Advice Service (SDAS) to provide confidential support and guidance to colleagues who are disabled, deaf and/or neurodivergent.
It’s part of the University’s commitment to creating equal opportunities across our workforce, promoting a culture where diversity is championed and disabled staff are supported to reach their full potential.
Staff and their line managers can access the SDAS for information about potential reasonable adjustments in the workplace. The service can also help with applications to Access to Work, a government fund run by the Department for Work and Pensions to support disabled people in work.
The SDAS is the result of an extensive development and research process, involving collaboration with multiple University departments and benchmarking against services provided in other universities and public sector organisations. Initial feedback on the service has been positive, with 100% of respondents stating that their query or referral was responded to promptly.
It’s founded on the principles of the social model of disability, guided by the first-hand experiences of disabled people. Staff members don’t need to provide medical proof or diagnosis of a disability, neurodivergence or health condition to access advice and support from the service.
I found the staff listened to the issues I have and they did help. I would definitely recommend the service.
I felt supported as a manager to identify and put in place the adjustments needed to improve my staff member's wellbeing and performance at work.

The University is constantly working to create an environment where staff members feel confident to disclose a disability, and where diversity is embraced. The SDAS is a significant step towards this commitment, offering a platform for open communication for disabled staff and their managers to be supported and find ways to remove or reduce barriers in the workplace.
About the Staff Disability Advice Service
Phone: 0131 651 4252