People and Money
An update on the University’s new HR and finance system
The University recently implemented a new finance system, which required us to interrupt financial processing for a period over summer to allow us to test the system and transfer huge volumes of data. This has unfortunately led to a backlog of some payments.
We are working hard to process the outstanding invoices and we have substantially increased the number of staff working to tackle the backlog. We are also working with colleagues locally to escalate cases of concern and to make priority payments.
The University prides itself in fostering good relationships with suppliers, and we are doing our best to ensure all payments are processed as quickly as possible. We apologise to any of our suppliers, staff or students who are experiencing a delay in payment.
We are acutely aware of the impact that this is also having on some staff and students, and we apologise for the disruption.
We are in regular email contact with staff and have dedicated webpages and groups providing further information and support.
We are holding open staff meetings this week to listen to staff feedback and provide an update on what we’re doing to tackle the issues. An email invite to these meetings can be found in your university email inbox.
Stipend payments
A technical error, unrelated to the People and Money system, caused a delay in stipend payments for some of our PhD students on Friday 28 October. This has now been resolved and those students have been paid.
We are aware of other stipend issues and these have been escalated to the highest level to be resolved as quickly as possible.
We apologise to those affected and we are working to ensure this will not happen again.
Staff information and support
Please contact the Finance Helpline on or call 0131 651 5151 (9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday) with any finance questions.
If your enquiry is or has become urgent, please speak to a member of your local Implementation Group for help escalating it. All the details are on our website.
People and Money webpages (EASE login required)