International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month
Get involved in events taking place across the University to celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month.
Women’s History Month takes place every March and provides an opportunity to celebrate and honour the contributions women have made.
International Women’s Day will also take place on Monday 8 March, and the themes for this year are ‘Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow’ and 'Break the Bias'.
The University has a range of events you can get involved with to celebrate women's achievement, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.
A summary of some of the events and initiatives open to staff and students can be found below.
International Women’s Day: Reflections from the Business School – 8 March
Celebrate International Women’s Day with the Business School’s Florence Barnard, Freya Brooks-Todd, Christine Cooper, Laura Fey and Wendy Loretto. Join us in reflecting upon the many ways in which women make their way through the world.
Date and time: 8 March, 12:00-13:30 GMT
Disrupting Coloniality in the Classroom – 8 March
Dr Radhika Govinda, who is currently Acting Director of genderED is organising a roundtable, ‘Disrupting Coloniality in the Classroom? Decolonisation, Feminism and Critical Pedagogies’.
This session is part of a series of roundtables on Decolonising the Academy that is being organised jointly by the University’s CRITIQUE, RACE.ED and genderED networks.
Date and time: 8 March, 16:00-17:30 GMT
Dangerous Women: Fifty reflections on women, power and identity – 8 March
A book launch will be held with genderED and the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) to mark the publication of the book Dangerous Women: Fifty reflections on women, power and identity.
Date and time: 8 March, 17:30-18:30 GMT
'Dying to Divorce' screening and Q&A – 8 March
Filmed over five years, 'Dying to Divorce' takes viewers into the heart of Turkey's gender-based violence crisis and gives a unique perspective on the struggle to be an independent woman in modern Turkey.
Date and time: 8 March, 17:00-19:30 GMT
Palavreada Series 2021-22 – 8 March
A free series of online events on the International Women's Day theme 'Break the Bias'. The campaign advocates for an inclusive and diverse world, with gender equality, free from prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination.
Date and time: 8 March, 18:00-18:50 GMT
Edinburgh Film Seminar: Toward a Feminist Historiography of Horror Cinema – 9 March
A free seminar by Dr Alison Peirse (University of Leeds) on 1980s horror filmmaker Jackie Kong, as a way of critically revisiting our histories of horror cinema and working towards a feminist historiography.
Date and time: 9 March, 16:00-17:00 GMT
Let us know about other events
If you are aware of other events happening to celebrate International Women’s Day or Women’s History Month, please let us know.