Health and wellbeing support for staff
The University provides a wide range of health and wellbeing support and facilities which staff can access all year round.
Here are just a few of the services the University provides to support your health and wellbeing. You can find out more on the Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub:
Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub
Staff Counselling
Staff have access to free and confidential counselling services through the University's Staff Counselling Service and the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), which provide short-term therapy (up to 6 sessions) for personal or work-related issues. The EAP is also available to partners or dependents over the age of 18 who live under the same roof. All sessions are with a qualified British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy accredited practitioner.
More counselling appointments are now available through the EAP and there are much shorter waiting times. These are available until November 2022 and are free of charge to all staff (with a staff number). Of those staff providing feedback, 88% tell us they would recommend the Employee Assistance Service to others.
The University Listening Service
The University Listening Service is provided by the Chaplaincy and is open to all staff of any or no faith. Appointments are available from 9 to 5pm on weekdays and the service can also be contacted out of hours for emergencies. They are there to listen to any concerns, difficulties or anxieties you may be experiencing – nothing is too big or too small.
The University Listening Service
Physical health
The Health and Wellbeing Hub provides suggestions on how to look after your physical health, and the University has sport and exercise facilities open to staff. There are also clubs to join, activities to take part in and useful resources to help you get started.
Looking after your physical health
The University’s Active Lives team runs a wide range of activities which staff can join, from health walks to Pilates.
Feeling Good App
The University has invested in health and wellbeing tools which are available for all staff to download free of charge. The Feeling Good App aims to increase wellbeing and aid recovery from stress, worry and low mood. The app, which is widely used within the NHS in Edinburgh, helps individuals to build resilience.
Occupational Health Service
Occupational Health is a specialist branch of nursing and medical practice which provides independent, impartial and confidential advice on all matters relating to an employee’s health, either due to work or when an employee’s health has changed which may affect their abilities while at work.
The Occupational Health Service also provides statutorily required health surveillance, advice on work related-travel and delivers vaccination programmes which are required for staff due to work risks.
While the Occupational Health Service is not a primary care provider, it works alongside staff, managers, Health and Safety and HR colleagues to benefit everyone’s health at work.
Related links
More staff counselling appointments now available through EAP