Staff news

Vigil – Friday 3 May

A Vigil is being held on Friday 3 May in solidarity with those affected by the recent bombings in Sri Lanka.

All students and staff are invited to the Vigil at 6.30pm in the Chapel of St Albert the Great in George Square Lane.

This will be a gathering, of around 20-30 minutes, where people come together in solidarity with the victims and families affected by the attacks.

There will be short contributions from Professor Jonathan Spencer, Regius Professor of South Asian Language, Culture and Society, Dr Harini Amarasuriya, Senior Lecturer, Open University, Sri Lanka, as well as from Sri Lankan students. Candles will be lit.

The Principal will be represented by Professor Pankaj Pankaj, International Dean for South Asia.

There may be members of the University who have a personal connection to those lost in the attacks, and who may wish to contact the Chaplaincy ahead of the Vigil. If so, please email

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