Staff news

Staff Benefits Scheme pension update

Employee and employer contributions will be increasing from 1 August 2019.

Members of the University of Edinburgh Staff Benefit Scheme (SBS) are reminded that pension contribution levels will increase from 1 August 2019. All SBS members should already have received information about this directly.

As a reminder the increases are as follows:

Contribution rate Current contribution to 31/07/2019 Contribution rate from 01/08/2019
Member 8.0% 9.1%
Employer 16.2% 19.8%

Members will continue to receive tax relief on their contributions and if they pay by the Salary Sacrifice method, should also see a small National Insurance saving.  

The Net Pay Calculator has been updated to reflect the increases and members can see the effect on their take home pay on the webpage below.

Related links

Salary calculator

SBS pensions