Staff news

Vacancy on University’s governing body

Nominations are invited for a voluntary position to serve on the University’s governing body, the University Court.

An election for the role of Non-Teaching Staff Assessor will be held between 13 and 15 June 2017, with the successful candidate taking up the position on 1 August 2017.

The electorate consists of all employees of the University who are support staff (i.e. who are not academic or research staff), in Grades 1 to 10, who are on the main University payroll on 3 April 2017.

Those nominated must be members of the Non-Teaching Staff as defined above.

Governing body

The University Court is responsible for the strategic direction of the University, approving corporate strategies and policies.

It takes the final decision on matters of fundamental concern to the University.

How to apply

Nominations must be submitted on the approved form along with a supporting statement of no more than 500 words. Each candidate must be nominated by at least five members of the electorate.

Nominations should be submitted by noon on Thursday 11 May 2017.

Further details on all aspects of the Non-Teaching Staff Assessor election, including the election rules, nomination forms and requesting postal votes, can be found in the link below.

For more information, contact Dr Lewis Allan on 0131 650 9143 or

Related links

The University Court

Court vacancy