Staff news

Schools share insights on course enhancement

New case studies exemplify best practice and make recommendations on use of course enhancement questionnaires.

Colleagues from the Schools of Social and Political Sciences, Biomedical Sciences and The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies have collaborated with the Student Surveys Unit to give accounts of the process of setting up and administering Course Enhancement Questionnaires (CEQs).

The results of this collaboration have been converted into case studies to exemplify and share best practice in running CEQs, to reflect on the last academic year, and to make recommendations for improvements.

Best practice

The case studies centre around key themes related to CEQs, such as achieving high levels of participation, transitioning from paper to online surveys, and following Surveys Unit processes.

You can view the case studies on the Data Matters site via the following link: CEQ case studies

Get involved

To share your experiences of the CEQ process for a future case study, please contact Jerrard Doran on or 0131 651 5557.
