Help our students grow their careers
Our Careers Service is looking for Schools and departments to host bright, motivated undergraduate students for the University’s summer internship programme, Employ.ed on Campus.
About Employ.ed on Campus

Employ.ed on Campus is managed and supported by the Careers Service.
The programme provides undergraduates in their second or third year of study with work experience lasting between 10 or 12 weeks, starting on 30th May 2016.
The Careers Service also manages a structured development plan for the students culminating in them receiving an Edinburgh Award.
The positions are fully funded by the individual department or School.
An internship can be a highly cost effective way of completing tasks and projects which would not otherwise be done.
Valuable opportunity
Over the past four years the programme has gone from strength to strength, starting with 15 interns and this summer hosting 41 students on various work-based internships across campus.
Previous internships have ranged from academic research projects, database/web analysis & design, market research, marketing & business development roles to designing virtual tours.
Get involved
We have 50 places available and these will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
The roles will be advertised through MyCareerHub at the beginning of February 2016.
More information about the programme and feedback from previous host managers can be found at
If you are interested in participating in Employ.ed on Campus 2016 please contact Jenni Dixon, Internship Manager, by Friday 27th November 2015 to secure your place(s). Tel: 0131 651 5114 Email: /