Book to boost bursaries
A new book that examines how philanthropy has impacted on the University will raise funds for student bursaries.

'Private Giving, Public Good' explores how charitable gifts and public support have helped shape life at Edinburgh over the centuries.
The book was researched and written by Jean Grier, Research and Projects Officer for the Vice-Principals, and Professor Mary Bownes, Senior Vice-Principal.
Staff discount
'Private Giving, Public Good' is available at a special staff and alumni pre-order price of £25 (usual price: £30) until 31 August.
Impact and influence
'Private Giving, Public Good' reveals how philanthropy has shaped the buildings, student experience, museums and collections, sporting successes, bursaries and other awards since the University was established more than 400 years ago.
It also showcases the recent Edinburgh Campaign, which raised £350 million for the University.
The first major publication about the University in more than a decade, the book also examines how research and scholarship at Edinburgh - past and present - continue to influence the world.
Supporting students
All profits from sales of the book will go towards improving the University’s student bursary provision.
Edinburgh provides the most generous bursary support of any UK university for those on the lowest household incomes.
How to order
'Private Giving, Public Good' will be released in October and can be pre-ordered now.
Order online or drop in to the University Visitor Centre.