Sample Gather events
Three sample events in October and November offer staff an opportunity to experience the Gather festival ahead of the 2015 event.

Planned for March 2015, the second Gather festival will again bring together staff, students and members of the public to celebrate culture, global citizenship and community.
The sample events are a film screening and panel discussion on the experiences of Rwandan filmmakers, inspirational stories from students who have studied abroad, and a traditional South American celebration.
Gather 2015 sample events
Held in October and November at various locations around the city.
The Gather festival is organised by EUSA and the International Office in collaboration with colleagues from across the University.
Gather 2014 featured more than 50 events and was attended by 2,500 staff, students and members of the local community.
Organisers hope these sample events will inspire people to get involved and help shape Gather 2015.
The foundation Gather has established is something we can continue to build on in years to come. With the right support, the opportunities to expand and grow in ways that further enhance student experience will be really exciting.
Get involved
Staff wishing to get involved in next year’s event should visit the Gather festival website.