University awarded for equality
The University has again been formally recognised for its commitment to equality and diversity.

The University has been successful in securing three Athena SWAN awards, which recognise policies and practice that strive to eliminate gender bias in the workplace.
Athena recognition
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies became the UK’s first vet school to earn Athena SWAN accreditation by being awarded Bronze.
The School of Biological Sciences achieved a Silver award in recognition of a significant record of activity and achievement in this area.
The University successfully met the criteria to have its Bronze award renewed.
Awards tally
These awards add to Athena Swan awards already earned by University departments.
The University’s School of Chemistry was one of the UK’s first subject-specific department to receive the Athena Silver SWAN award in March 2006, and followed this up with Gold in 2012.
In 2011 the School of Biomedical Sciences achieved Silver, and in 2012 the Roslin Institute achieved Bronze.
The SWAN Charter
Edinburgh is one of the original members of the Athena SWAN Charter, which is dedicated to the advancement and promotion of the careers of women in science, engineering, technology, mathematics and medicine in academia.
The Charter now has more than 80 universities and research institutes signed up.
Strategic theme
Enhancing equality and widening participation has been outlined in the University’s Strategic Plan 2012-2016 as a key strategic theme.
Increasing the proportion of female academic staff appointed and promoted to senior academic positions and reducing the gender pay gap has been identified as an institutional target.