Virtual learning environment upgrades
The University has made significant upgrades to its centrally supported virtual learning environment, archiving WebCT, which has been in operation since 2006.

The new system, Learn, provides an updated range of functions to enhance the student learning experience.
It also offers staff more flexibility in course design and teaching approach.
New features
Among Learn’s features are student collaboration spaces. These, combined with self and peer assessment options, enable students to engage more in their own learning and development.
Learn is also integrated with external applications such as Turnitin, for academic writing and referencing, online meeting space Collaborate and wiki software Confluence.
Information Services collaborated with academic teams to ensure the successful migration and creation of around 9,000 courses to be ready through Learn for the start of the academic year.
The work was supplemented with an extensive programme of training, communications and support materials.
Learn is accessible via MyEd. Students will find it under the Studies tab and for staff it will be located under the Teaching tab.
Staff development
Learn can also be used for staff development, and colleagues in Human Resources have already started using it for this purpose.
If anyone needs advanced training in Learn, sessions can be booked in MyEd.
A Learn User Forum is also being established, so please contact Wilma Alexander to register your interest.
If you wish to discuss new requirements or ideas for Learn, please: