Highly Trusted Sponsor status retained
The University is to retain its Tier 4 Highly Trusted Sponsor status, following a successful visit from the UK Border Agency.
As part of its duties and responsibilities as a sponsor within the UK immigration system, the University of Edinburgh underwent its first UK Border Agency compliance visit on 2 March.
Renewal process
As key liaison contact with the Home Office for our Tier 4 licence and on behalf of the Student Migration Management Committee, I would to like to thank all staff and students involved both in the actual compliance visit and in preparing for the visit.
The compliance visit was linked to the Tier 4 Highly Trusted Sponsor (HTS) status renewal process.
Since April 2012, a change in UK policy means that all Highly Trusted Sponsors must receive annual compliance visits.
The visit focused on the Tier 4 (student) licence, but also included a surface audit of the staff-related Tiers 2 and 5.
The visit, hosted by Academic Registry, included interviews with key staff and 30 students.
July visit
A full compliance visit focusing on Tier 2 & 5 will take place this July as part of the University’s application to renew its licence.
Approximately eight to ten percent of sponsored staff will be asked to take part in a short interview with UKBA.
University Human Resources Services will provide a full briefing to those selected in advance of the interviews.
July’s visit provides a further opportunity to demonstrate the University’s commitment to work with the UKBA to ensure it can continue to recruit the brightest and best staff and students from around the world.
We wish to continue working positively and collaboratively with the UKBA not only to retain our licence, but also as the most effective means to influence Government policy and shape change within the new points based system.