EUSA wins green impact award
Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA) has won the coveted gold standard in the National Union of Students’ Green Impact Students’ Union (GISU) Awards.

This is the fourth year running that EUSA has achieved gold.
EUSA also took second place in the overall UK rankings, out of the 105 other unions that took part.
Student-led action
The awards were presented at a NUS Services Annual Dinner in Manchester in April. GISU is an ethical and environmental accreditation scheme for students’ unions that encourages student-led action on “greening” their organisation.
"We are really delighted to have done so well again in this prestigious initiative; we just seem to keep going from strength to strength. GISU has been the backbone of our approach to sustainability across campus insofar as it has provided the structure and recording mechanisms to keep track of most of what we do.”