Staff news

Gaelic language plan consultation

The University is seeking feedback for its Gaelic Language Plan.

The draft plan outlines a series of commitments the University is considering as part of its efforts to promote the use of the Gaelic language.

Promoting use

The draft plan highlights the University’s role in supporting the national effort to increase the use, acquisition and status of Gaelic and contribute to the language’s development.

The document will also investigate commitments to incorporate Gaelic into aspects of the University’s corporate identity and services.

Feedback wanted

We invite input from University staff and students and also members of the public or from other organisations.

Comments and queries can be sent to:

Gaelic Language Plan consultation

Questionnaire results

The University carried out a staff and student questionnaire to investigate existing Gaelic competencies in the University and identify potential opportunities for developing or promoting use of the language.

A full report analysing the results is now available online.

The University has a long and proud history of Gaelic. We established the first Chair of Celtic in Scotland in 1882 and are especially rich in Gaelic resources, including the School of Scottish Studies Archives.

Frank GribbenRegistrar, College of Humanities & Social Sciences and Chair of the Gaelic Language Plan Working Group

Related Links

Gaelic Language Plan

Questionnaire results

Gaelic version