Winners in sustainability
The University’s Printing Services has won Gold in the inaugural sustainability awards.

The awards are a joint venture between the University of Edinburgh, EUSA and Transition Edinburgh University.
Special recognition
Bronze and Silver awards were also given to seven other University and EUSA teams for their environmentally friendly efforts.
Special recognition was awarded to teams or individuals who developed particularly innovative ways to save energy or reduce personal carbon footprints.
Groups working towards accreditation were also noted.
Awards recipients
The full list of award recipients is:
- Printing Services
- Chancellor’s Court, Pollock Halls
- Corporate Services, Charles Stewart House
- Hugh Robson Building
- EUSA Potterrow Office
- EUSA shops
- Public Engagement Team, Darwin Building
- Estates & Buildings, Old College office
Working towards accreditation
- Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
- Politics and International Relations
- Business School
Special awards
- Cutting Personal Carbon Footprints: ‘Tapswitch’, Politics and International Relations
- Energy Saving on Campus: ‘Sensor Smart’, Public Engagement Team/’Switched lighting for computer lab’, Carbon Management Society
- Office Depot Innovation Award: Uni-Tots Nursery
- Outstanding Personal Contribution: Janet Philps, Hugh Robson Building/Mike Brown, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
It was fantastic to see staff and students working together from across the University. An exciting variety of projects have improved the way the University runs, reduced our impact on the environment and shown how innovative people make a real difference.
Related Links
Edinburgh Sustainability Awards