Beat rising fuel costs
To mark October’s national Liftshare Week, the University is encouraging staff to team up with colleagues for their daily commute.

To combat rising fuel prices, the Transport and Parking Office suggests that filling your empty car seats if you drive alone to work could ease the burden.
Win prizes
Staff can find people to share their journey with by signing up to the University’s Tripshare scheme.
Tripshare currently has 780 members, and 150 Budi Teams of car sharers.
You don’t even need your own car to join. Many members are looking for passengers in return for a contribution to the fuel costs and a bit of friendly company.
Staff or students who join and set up a Budi Team before 31 October could each win a £10 Marks and Spencer gift voucher, along with their fellow car sharers.
Anyone who sends a ‘request to share’ message to another member by 9 October has the chance to be selected at random for a prize of £250.