Inspiring Teaching conference
Staff and students are to get together to exchange ideas about inspiring teaching in the new year.

The annual Inspiring Teaching conference will take place on 25 January at Teviot Row House.
Best in teaching
The event is organised by EUSA in association with the University’s Institute for Academic Development.
It provides staff with the opportunity to showcase examples of best practice in University teaching, highlighted by the EUSA teaching awards.
Staff and students will also have the opportunity to exchange views on what they consider to be good teaching.
This year’s keynote speakers will be Physics’ Professor Simon Bates, winner of last year’s EUSA Teach First Award for Innovative Teaching, and Professor Jonathan Spencer of Social Anthropology.
Workshops to be held at the event will be:
- Teaching Born Digital: Engaging Distance Learners by Dr Sian Bayne, Associate Dean (Digital Scholarship)
- Ethnography: Theory and Practice by the Ethnography team
- Accessible Learning by Dr Tina Harrison, Director of Academic Standards and Quality Assurance and Alan Ducklin, Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement)
- Peer-assisted Learning by Mike Williamson, EUSA Vice-Principal Academic Affairs
- Assessment in the Digital Age and the Role of the Student by Professor Ian Pirie and Stewart Cordiner (Edinburgh College of Art)
- Podcasting, lecture capture and technology-assisted learning by Professor Stuart Anderson and Andrew Burnie (Informatics)
- Our Changing World by Dr Kim Picozzi and Celine Caquineau (Biomedical Medicine)
Visit the event website to find out more and book a place.
Inspiring Teaching
Tuesday 25 January 2011, 1.15pm-4.15pm
Teviot Row House, Bristo Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9AL