Geneticist aids Scots journey
Historical geneticist Dr Jim Wilson, of the University’s Centre for Population Health Sciences, has contributed to a BBC Radio Scotland documentary series broadcast throughout March.

‘The Scots: A Genetic Journey’ explores the the history of where Scottish people came from with the help of Dr Wilson’s DNA analysis.
Genetic research
Throughout the series historian Alistair Moffat travels around Scotland uncovering signs of human migration and settlement.
Using Dr Wilson’s research, he discovers that the story of the Scottish people is actually written in the DNA of modern-day Scots.
The series is accompanied by a book of the same name written by both Alistair Moffat and Dr Wilson.
ORCADES leader
Dr Wilson, a Royal Society University Fellow, studies population history and the structure and genetics of complex disease.
He leads the Orkney Complex Disease Study ORCADES, which with international collaborators, has contributed to the discovery of more than 500 new gene associations.
He also leads a genetic study of multiple sclerosis in Orkney and Shetland and has contributed widely in explaining genetics to general audiences for TV and radio.