Bite-size learning for lunch
Staff used their lunch break to learn about the art of delegation in February's Brown Bag Session, delivered by HR.
Launched in 2009, these sessions offer bite-size training on management topics and are typically held during a lunch hour.

Staff like the quick and clear format, which is ideal for providing a refresher on a topic or for introducing key ideas to those who are new to the concepts covered.
US inspiration
Inspired by US-style staff development techniques, participants are invited to bring their lunch to the session, prompting the name ‘Brown Bag’.
Topics to be covered in future sessions include team development, handling difficult situations and performance management.
Specific dates for these events are as follows:
- 15 March: Team Development
- 15 April: Understanding Performance Management
- 17 May: Handling Difficult Situations
- 7 June: Self Review and Reflection in the Workplace