Making Edinburgh sustainable
A week of activities and events to encourage members of the University community to make a difference to health, development, environment and social justice is to launch this month.

Edinburgh Sustainability Week will run from 25-31 October.
Debate and discussion
The week-long programme is a joint initiative between the University, EUSA and Transition Edinburgh University.
Billed events and activities include a travel and volunteering fair, a Fairtrade café, and an apple pressing and cider-making workshop.
There will also be public lectures and opportunities for debate and discussion.
Edinburgh Sustainability
Find out more about the University’s commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.
Edinburgh Sustainability
Reward and recognition
The Edinburgh Sustainability Awards will be launched during the week.
These awards offer recognition to staff and students who contribute to the University’s social responsibility and sustainability agenda.
Participant teams are invited to demonstrate how their project has gone beyond simple compliance to contribute to local and global wellbeing.
An awards ceremony is planned for May 2011.
We hope these new awards – part of a national scheme running at 35 universities and colleges – will complement the established EUSA Teaching Awards and recognise new thinking and best practices at the University.