Recycling target exceeded
The University has surpassed its recycling target thanks to the contribution of its staff.

For the academic year 2008/09, the University recycled at least 63 per cent of its general waste.
This means 1,460 tonnes of waste materials including paper, cardboard, electrical equipment and food waste were recycled or reused.
This is an increase on the previous year in which 56 per cent or 1,200 tonnes of University waste was recycled.
Fresh goals
As a result of this achievement, the University’s original 2010 target to recycle 60 per cent of its waste will now be revised.
Collectively, staff will be encouraged to work towards a three per cent year-on-year increase on recycling activity.
Landfill reduction
Sustained recycling activity has significantly reduced the amount of waste the University sends to landfill or incinerator.
This quantity has decreased by 40 per cent since 2001.
Financially, by opting for recycling waste rather than disposing of it, the University made an estimated saving increase of 66 per cent on the previous year.