Pleasance Theatre reopens
The University’s Pleasance Theatre is to open on 13 February following its redevelopment.

The revamped theatre will launch with a performance by comedian Russell Kane.
Light and sound
The venue has been adapted to incorporate a permanent light and sound system.
Previously, anyone wishing to stage a production at the theatre needed to hire sound and lighting equipment.
The improvements to the theatre make it more accessible to groups or individuals, who may have been deterred by the additional costs involved in sourcing sound and lighting equipment.
The forthcoming programme includes comedy, music, children’s theatre, dance and film screenings.
The Pleasance Theatre has been desperate for a permanent infrastructure of sound and light for years. It’s such a wonderful space and we've just not been able to use it to its full potential. The redevelopment’s technical specification has been very carefully crafted, and we're all very excited about the launch date.