Staff orienteering project
A new permanent orienteering course has been launched at the University’s Pollock Halls site.

A lunchtime event invited staff to try the course for the first time.
Helen Bridle, a world orienteering competitor, was among staff taking part in the event.
She was the day’s winner of the long course, completing the distance of just over a mile it in a little more than nine minutes.
Helen, a postdoctoral researcher with the School of Engineering, will be travelling to Norway for the next World Orienteering Championships in August.
A team from Accommodation Services, comprising Carla Cumming, Kate Lindey and David McGinty, was the winner of the half-a-mile short course.
Collaborative project
The new course is part of the Pollock Halls Orienteering Project, funded by Scottish charity Paths for All.
The project has been organised jointly by Accommodation Services and the Energy and Sustainability Office, as part of the University’s drive to promote health and wellbeing to staff.
Sports excellence
The University has a strong reputation in the field of orienteering.
It recently became home to the National Orienteering Centre of Excellence.
The Centre was the first of its kind to be launched in the UK.