New Secretary appointed
The University Court has appointed Dr Kim Waldron as the new University Secretary.

Dr Waldron joins Edinburgh from Colgate University, New York, where she has been Secretary since 2003.
Academic background
Dr Waldron is an American citizen who joined Colgate as Assistant Professor of Geology in July 1992.
She held a range of academic and support roles at Colgate prior to her appointment as Secretary in 2003.
She has a PhD in Geology from Yale University and spent time at the University of Edinburgh as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow from 1990-1992.
Head of SASG
As University Secretary and Head of Student and Academic Services Group (SASG), Dr Waldron will have overall responsibility for the central secretariat, governance and planning functions, the registry and student services, as well as Student Recruitment and Admissions, the International Office, Communications and Marketing, Development and Alumni and Biological Services.
Dr Waldron succeeds Mr Melvyn Cornish who is retiring from the University having served as University Secretary and Head of SASG since 2002.
Dr Waldron will take up her post in August and will work alongside Mr Cornish for a period of time.
I was extremely pleased to have such a strong field of candidates for this position. I warmly congratulate Kim on her appointment and look forward to working with her and welcoming her to Edinburgh.