Gold for online surgical MSc
The University and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh were together awarded gold in the 2010 E-learning Awards.

The prize was given for the MSc in Surgical Sciences, which is offered jointly by both institutions.
It won the top prize in the Best Online or Distance Learning (Education) category.
Flexible surgical training
Also known as the Edinburgh Surgical Sciences Qualification, the flexible programme is offered part-time over three years.
It is delivered online through the University of Edinburgh’s award-winning virtual-learning environment, eeSURG.
In August, Professor James Garden was awarded the Chancellor’s Award for Teaching, recognising his contribution to establishing the MSc.
E-Learning Awards
Launched in 2005, the E-Learning Awards honour best practice in the field.
Entry is open to programmes, projects, teams, individuals or strategies that can demonstrate success in online learning.