SFA boss backs access scheme
Scottish Football Association Chief Executive Gordon Smith has given his support to a University project that uses football to help engage teenage boys with education.

Mr Smith visited the University to present the keynote address at the third annual conference of the Educated Pass scheme.
Inspiring advice
In his speech, the SFA boss encouraged attendees to pursue all educational and sporting opportunities that came their way, regardless of negative peer pressure.
He talked of how his own educational qualifications have provided him with opportunities to follow his interests in both business and sport.
Football and business
Mr Smith graduated from the Glasgow College of Technology with a BA in Business.
He also played professional football at the highest level for Kilmarnock FC and Rangers FC, while working as Marketing Development Manager with Edward McNeil Ltd.
Echoing Mr Smith’s message was guest speaker Jamie Bishop, an alumnus from the University who combines playing professional football with Forfar Athletic with a career at KPMG.
Educated Pass
The Educated Pass initiative is part of the University’s Widening Participation programme.
Established in 2006, the project targets males between 13-16 from neighbourhoods that historically have a low-participation rate in further and higher education.
Participating boys who play with local youth football teams are offered a programme of classes, physical sessions and role model lectures.