Gold for healthy working
The University has achieved the Gold Healthy Working Lives Award.

This award, part of a national programme run by the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives, recognises the University’s commitment to enhancing health and wellbeing in the workplace.
Triple submission
To earn the Gold, the University was assessed on a range of areas related to health and wellbeing in the workplace.
These included health and safety, occupational health, supporting staff attendance, diet and exercise, mental wellbeing and community health.
The University submitted for and achieved all three levels of the award - bronze, silver and gold.
Informing and supporting
The University’s Health Promotion Group was set up in 2004 to support and develop health awareness and promotion throughout the University.
The group provides information on a broad range of health issues, covering everyday topics including diet and exercise and travel health, as well as serious medical matters such as mental health and cancer.
It also supports the broad range of staff wellbeing initiatives carried out across the University.
These include Jogscotland, Bicycles+, Healthy Living and Food for the Brain awards, and recycling and energy-awareness campaigns.
This award recognises the commitment and effort of all the staff who have played a part in implementing and developing both existing and new initiatives and activities which benefit the University community and beyond.