Feedback resources launch
New tools to support teaching staff in the provision of feedback will be available for the start of the new academic year.

The University is launching its Feedback Standards and Guiding Principles document, student awareness materials on feedback and a new online resource to support teaching.
New standards
The Feedback Standards and Guiding Principles document aims to highlight the importance of feedback and generate discussion about its provision.
There was broad consultation involved in the creation of the document.
The process identified that these guiding principles would play an important role in improving feedback provision.
Senate adopted the document in June 2010.
Online support
The document will be supported by a website that will share examples of best practice of academic feedback.
The new website, called Enhancing Feedback, will formally launch on 27 September.
In addition, students will be given bookmarks to communicate the University’s newly developed standards.
It is hoped the materials will prompt discussion about how feedback will operate in class.
All students should expect prompt, high-quality and detailed feedback on their coursework. It enables the student grow in confidence and develop more effective ways on undertaking academic study.
Related Links
Feedback Standards and Guiding Principles
Forward thinking on feedback (Bulletin, Summer 2010, p10)