Green group launches plan
More than 150 University representatives attended an event that unveiled plans to create a low-carbon campus.

The event at Teviot Debating Hall was hosted by staff and student sustainability group Transition Edinburgh University (TEU).
Plans for a carbon-efficient future
The group outlined its programme of green projects for the coming year.
It also presented research findings about the University’s carbon footprint and ideas about how to meet the University’s goal to cut carbon emissions 10 per cent by 2010.
A staff-student collaboration
TEU is a student and staff initiative backed by the University’s Energy and Sustainability Office and the People and Planet student society.
It was formed following a Scottish Government cash award granted to People and Planet.
The group aims to position Edinburgh as a leader in environmental issues.
We were delighted to have such a huge turnout – with representatives from disciplines across the University. The event had a real buzz to it. It was a celebration of all the astoundingly forward-looking work on sustainability at the University involving hundreds of staff and students.