Senate presentations online
Presentations given at the University’s Senate meetings can now be openly accessed from a newly created discussion space.
A wiki has been set up to post content from Senate presentations.
The content will be available in both text and video formats.
An EASE log-in is required to access the wiki.
Student feedback discussed
The last Senate meeting was held on 14 October 2009.
The provision of feedback to students was discussed.
Each Head of School presented an example of a successful practice in this area.
There were additional presentations from Professor Dai Hounsell, Vice-Principal for Academic Enhancement; Dr Tina Harrison, Director of Academic Standards and Quality Assurance and Mr Evan Beswick, EUSA Vice-President Academic Affairs.
Videos of all the meeting’s presentations can be viewed at the wiki.
Future meetings
Senate meetings take place three times a year.
The next meeting will be held in February 2010.
The presentation and discussion topic will be the postgraduate research student experience and postgraduate recruitment.
This will be followed by a meeting in June 2010, when the presentation and discussion topic will be employability.