
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The third panel event brings together researchers, writers and thinkers working in the area of AI to discuss what a future of education permeated by AI might look like, what it should look like, and how it might support education for public good. 

Artificial Intelligence is the latest in a long series of high-profile technology ‘disruptors’ of education.

What futures for education does it promise, and are these desirable? Who is driving the discussion about its potential? And what might it mean for the act and profession of teaching?

Current debate on AI in education is intense, and often torn between competing visions of education’s social purpose.

The in-person event will be live streamed and is open to all. Tickets to the in-person event are available on a first come, first serve basis and must be booked in advance.

Book your place

The Future of Education: AI

26 November, 6pm - 7:30pm

The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Futures Institute, Level 0 Event Space, 1 Lauriston Pl, Edinburgh EH3 9EF

Watch the live stream

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