Ground floor plan
This map shows where to find all the SGA50 photo-panels with QR codes, sited where the original Strategy: Get Arts (1970) artworks, installations, and performances were located on the ground floor of the ECA Main Building.

1 Water tank installation, Klaus Rinke.
1. Klaus Rinke’s water installation at the entrance to ECA Main Building
2 Bentwood Chairs Action, Stefan Wewerka.
2. Stefan Wewerka’s ‘Bentwood Chair Action’ on the grand staircase with Klaus Rinke smashing chair
3 Blue/Yellow/White/Red, Blinky Palermo.
3. Blinky Palermo making his wall painting Blue/Yellow/White/Red
4 The Banana Trap Dinner, Daniel Spoerri.
4. Daniel Spoerri reading from his menu for The Banana Trap Dinner in C.26 (23 August 1970)
5 Mist Room (Homage to Turner), Gotthard Graubner.
6 Celtic (Kinloch Rannoch) Scottish Symphony, Joseph Beuys.
7 Arena, Joseph Beuys.
7. Exhibition visitors in ECA studio C.07 with Joseph Beuys's installation, Arena
8 Strategy: Get Arts Film Room: Tony Morgan, Lutz Mommartz, Claus Böhmler, Christof Kohlhöfer, Sigmar Polke, Ferdinand Kriwet, Günther Uecker and Mauricio Kagel.
9 Visual text works, Ferdinand Kriwet, performances by Friedhelm Döhl (in collaboration with Günther Uecker), and Franz Walther.
9. Installation of visual text works by Ferdinand Kriwet in ECA's Sculpture Court
10 Make my Absence Positive, and aluminium foil cross sculpture, Heinz Mack.
11 Banging door installation, Günther Uecker.
11. Günther Uecker rigging up his ‘banging door’ installation in studio C.03
12 Sharp Corridor, Günther Uecker.
12. Günther Uecker in his Sharp Corridor at ECA
13 The Pack, Joseph Beuys.
13. Joseph Beuys, The Pack, installed in the Sculpture Department Corridor
25 Outdoor installation. ECA Beuys Oak and Basaltic Rock.
25. Joseph Beuys on Salisbury Crags, Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, on 7 May 1970